Government Watchlist


Thousands of innocent New Yorkers could be on a watch list… and you might be one of them.

The government has secretly characterized several individuals as threats or potential threats to national security and put them on a watch list.

CAIR-NY is working tirelessly to fight these arbitrary and ineffective watchlists, because we believe in our Constitution’s promise that every person in America deserves equal treatment under law.

Several indicators might suggest that you are on a government watchlist:

  • Have you or your family members ever been approached or interrogated by FBI agents?

  • Have you had issues with financial transitions or faced bank account closures?

  • Has the data usage on your cell phone mysteriously gone up?

  • Do you ever hear unusual noises and clicks during phone calls?

  • Are you and your family members regularly subjected to additional screening, prolonged delays or extensive questioning when you travel?

  • Are you unable to use check-in machines at the airport?

  • Have you ever faced difficulties checking in online?

  • Have you ever been refused permission to fly?

  • When you fly, have you ever spotted 4 consecutive Ss on your boarding pass?

If some or all of these experiences sound familiar to you, you might be on a government watchlist. If so, please contact CAIR-NY as soon as possible.